Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April at the Beach

This weekend Drew and I headed down to St. Teresa Beach to relax and get things ready for Easter Weekend.  We didn't get down till late Friday night because we had a baseball game.

When we got there was had a little surprise waiting for us.....Easter came early!

My mom left Saturday morning to head to the French Riviera with Sarah, Aunt Karen and Uncle Doug.  Since she was gone over Easter she had left a basket for Drew and I.  We were thrilled to get new flip flops...especially Drew!  Thank you mom for a wonderful Easter basket!  (I know...I'm 31 and I'm still getting an Easter basket) :)

On to the rest of our weekend....
Copper and Drew Relaxing

Gorgeous Weekend
Walker our slightly slow King Charles Spainel has gotten to be quite adventurous these days.  He takes off down the beach plays in the water, eats sea squirts and runs which doesn't happen often.
Drew looking for Walker

Our Little Beach Dog

We Are Gaining Beach
We had such a wonderful weekend.  We are so lucky to have a beach house in this little place of paradise.

1 comment:

  1. Girl,
    I still get an Easter basket too! :) We are never too old when the bunny loves us THAT much! :) I am enjoying your blog!

    Love, MLC
